Paint Color Expert, Decorating and Staging Consultant
Retro Divas
The Original Paint Diva

You may have thought the idea for a Paint Color Consultant is a fairly new concept, but Betty Moore was the original Paint Diva! Years ago Benjamin Moore invented Betty Moore to help people with advice on choosing paint colors. She was a combination of a Betty Crocker and the Dear Abby advice column where people wrote in asking for help. "By 1930, this fictional character presided over regular weekly radio programs, offering color and decorating guidance. Over the years, a succession of actresses played Betty Moore. Benjamin Moore’s decorating department employed many representational Betty Moores who assisted consumers with their color and design dilemmas. Shown here is an idealized picture of Betty Moore in a 1942 decorating brochure issued by Benjamin Moore."
in 2011 Benjamin rolled out a similar program where people could write in asking for help with color selection called "The Expert's Exchange". The Diva was one of their featured experts that wrote in answers.
As for the retro photos below, the Diva's old boss Tom McGrath owned these old newspaper and magazine ads from the 1950's and '60's. He hung them in his office at McGrath's Paint and Hardware where the Diva worked. She loved them so much she took pictures of them so she could share them with you here!